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The pursuit of academic excellence has been the defining pillar of Shiv Vani's mission since its inception in 1981. With a focus on excellence in academics and experiential learning, we seek to develop in every child entrusted to us the desire and skills required to be a leader and an active global citizen. Shiv Vani school symbolizes the prioritization of ethics, values, culture and tradition as well as an awareness of global issues. Our students graduate not only as insightful learners, but also effective communicators, thoughtful spiritual beings and confident, independent

and dynamic global citizens. The school provides a nurturing learning environment that instill in students a global mindset and international spirit. We encourage students to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available to them and participate in any of the numerous activities we organize in the school: NCC, Band, Sports, Eco -Club, Community service Club, Art, Craft, Instrumental/vocal music, Dance etc depending on their area of interest.

history photos
history photos

Our mission is to empower students to think and act globally as they grow and develop into responsible and responsive citizens of an international society. We ensure that all learners feel valued and instill in them respect for cultural sensitivity and values and skills needed to live in a diverse world.

The school is ISO 9001: 2015 certified and has been ranked as one of the top schools in West Delhi as per the Times of India's "Times I 3 RC - Top schools in Delhi NCR survey 2015 and 2017."