• School Hours
  • Meeting Time
  • Uniform
  • Attendance
  • Leave
  • Instructions for Private Van User
  • Code of conduct
  • PTM Schedule
  • Assessment Schedule
  • List of Holidays
School Hours
Pre-school and Pre-primary(Mon- Fri/) 7.50 a.m. to 12.30 p.m
I- V 7.50 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
VI to XII 7.50 a.m. to 2.10 p.m.
Students are expected to enter the school gate by 7.45 a.m. Parents who drop students to school in the morning and the private van operators are requested to drop students to school by 7.45 a.m.
Parents may meet the following as per the schedule given below
Principal: 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
Coordinator (Senior School and Junior School), Class Teachers and Subject Teachers: 2.15 pm to 2.30 pm
Transport Incharge: 7.30 am to 9.00 am and 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm
Fee deposit timings: 8.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Parents please do not to go directly to the classrooms to meet the teachers as they will not be able to leave their classes to attend you. Do not come without prior appointment and kindly send an application for appointment or call to meet the respective teachers.
Note : Kindly switch off your mobile in school premises.
All students must wear the following uniform in school daily, during examinations, picnics & when they come to school, to collect their admit cards ( X and XII) & if they are accompanying parents on PTM days/ second Saturdays.
Boys : In Summers.
(I to V) Shorts/Trousers: Olive Green with Black checks (Terrycot) 2" above the middle of knee, medium width, side pockets.
Trousers (VI to XII) No parallels, flares, baggy or bell bottoms are permitted. Width of lower end of the trouser should not exceed 18" and not be less than 16"
Shirt White with light green stripes (Terrycot) with school monogram and buttons.
Shoes Black (with laces)
Socks White with dark green stripes (School Pattern)
Belt School Pattern
Patka( Sikh Boys) Black
Girls : In Summers
Skirt or Trousers (recommended) Olive Green with black checks (Terrycot)
Skirt Box pleats, 2" black hem. with side pockets, upto knees (not above knees)
Shirt Same as for boys
Shoes Same as for boys
Socks Same as for boys
Belt Same as for boys
Hair Band Black (compulsory)
Winters ( Same cloth as in Summers)(winter uniform from Nov. 15 onwards)
Boys (I to XII) Trousers
Girls (I to XII) Skirt/Trousers (recommended)
Shirt (Boys & Girls) Full Sleeves. (School colour)
Sweater Black with a green stripe on neck, arms and bottom and V-Neck (Sleeve & Sleeveless) -school pattern)
Blazer School Pattern (optional for 1 to 3 & compulsory for 4 to 12)
Tie School Pattern
Socks (Boys & Girls) Woollen Socks, Black with olive green stripes.Girls can wear black stockings under the woollen socks (with Skirt)
Cap/ Gloves School Pattern Colourful caps, scarf, gloves will not be allowed
Class I to VIII (Compulsory) Track Suits on Tuesday and Friday
Requirement of Attendance for all classes as per Rule 13.2 of CBSE Examination Bye- Laws:

No student shall be eligible to take the examination unless he/ she has completed 75 % of attendance counted from the beginning of class up to the first of the month preceding the month in which the examination commences.

As per CBSE Examination Bye- Laws the students who have not completed regular course of study, i.e. have not completed 75% of attendance (including Practical classes) will not be allowed to appear for the Board Examination.

According to the CBSE rules, the following reasons will only be considered for short attendances:

  1. Prolonged illness
  2. Loss of father/mother or some other such incident leading to absence and meriting special consideration.
  3. Any other reason of similar serious nature.
  4. Authorized participation in sponsored tournaments and sports meet of not less than inter-school level and at NCC/NSS camps including journeys for such participation.
  5. In case of any of the above, an application along with the supporting documents should be attached and submitted to the Principal in January. These documents will be forwarded to the Chairman, CBSE for decision. The Chairman, CBSE can condone 15 % attendance on the recommendation of the Principal. Cases of candidate with attendance below 60 % shall not be considered and rejected by both the School and CBSE.
  6. Please Note: All cases of short attendances will be referred to the Chairman, CBSE for decision in the first week of February. The school authorities will not be responsible in case a student's case is rejected by CBSE and he/ she is not issued Admit Card due to shortage of attendance. NO FEES (BOTH SCHOOL FEE AND CBSE EXAMINATION FEE) WILL BE REFUNDED IN THIS CASE.

Leave to students will only be granted either on an application or on filling the record of non-attendance in the school diary by the Parents/Guardian. Leave application has to be deposited with the class teacher either a day before or on joining school after the leave. In case of long leave due to medical reasons, a complete medical record & report/certificate along with application must be sent to school . Exam will be rescheduled or taken separately on dates other than as mentioned in the date-sheet of the particular exams, If a student remains absent from school for more than 10 days without any information, his/her name will be struck off the rolls of the school and will only be re-admitted on payment of full admission fees. No child will be allowed to be taken home during school hours except in an emergency, in which case adequate permission and gate pass must be obtained from the school reception.

Instructions for Private Van User (Children)

  1. During Pick-up, please stand in queue / line while boarding the van.
  2. Do not push others while boarding / alighting the van.
  3. After you alight from the van, look to your left & right before making a move.
  4. Do not touch the door lock/handle while the van is moving.
  5. No part of body (head, arms, hands) should be outside the van.
  6. Do not tease, bully or make faces at other road users traveling in cars/buses or those walking or crossing the roads.
  7. Senior students are expected to take proper care of juniors & provide them seat so that they do not fall & get injured when the van is in motion.
  8. Inform school & parents if the Van Operator/Driver does any of the following :-
    1. Misbehaves, abuses or touches any students.
    2. Is under the influence of alcohol/drugs/intoxicants/chews gutka or indulges in smoking while children are in the van.
    3. Plays film songs in the vans.
    4. Allows a third person or stranger to sit in the van while the children are present in the Van.
    5. Teases or bullies any students.
    6. Violates traffic rules or drives rashly.

Instructions for Private Van User (Parents)

  1. Please get the personal details of the van operator/Driver verified by the local police.
  2. Keep a photocopy of the van driver’s driving licence, van’s Registration Certificate & mobile number with you & submit a copy to school office.
  3. Please ensure that the Van operator / Driver is not under the influence of alcohol/drugs/intoxicants or indulges in smoking/chewing tobacoo, gutka, zarda, Pan Masala while ferrying children.
  4. Please ensure that the Van Operator / Driver does not play film music while the children are in the van.
  5. Keep asking your ward about his/her commuting experience daily & that if he/she is facing any problem in the van.
  6. Please ensure that no stranger or third person travels in the van other than the van driver and the school children.
  7. Keep a check on van timings. The van should reach school by 7.50am and afternoon pick-up should not be later than 2.15 pm.
  8. Please ask your ward(s) to maintain discipline in vans.
  9. Please check that there is no overcrowding in vans.
  10. Please check that the van & van operator are in compliance with the Orders / directions of the Courts, the Transport Authority, Traffic Police & the Govt.
  11. Students travelling in the private vehicles must be dropped at the back gate and should be escorted to the school.

Instructions for School Bus Users

  1. During morning pick-up, please stand in queue/line while boarding the bus.
  2. Do not push others while boarding or alighting the school bus. Give way to others with a smile.
  3. During drop-off: Once you alight from the bus, do not cross the road from the front side of the bus. Wait for the bus to leave and then cross the road.
  4. All students must occupy seats immediately after boarding the bus. No student is allowed to stand in the moving bus.
  5. Playing games or running/moving around in the bus is strictly forbidden.
  6. No student should come near the door of the bus until it has made a complete stop.
  7. Once onboard, no part of the body (hands, arms, head) should be outside the bus, even if the bus is not in motion.
  8. Do not tease, bully or make faces at other road users traveling in cars or buses or those walking or crossing the roads.
  9. Senior students are expected to take proper care of the juniors and provide them seat so that they do not fall and get injured when the bus is in motion.
  10. Unruly behavior in the bus is strictly prohibited. Strict discipline and courteous behavior with fellow students, Bus teacher, Bus Monitor(s), Driver and Conductor is expected at all times.
  11. Objects, trash (Garbage), Food leftovers must not be discarded inside or thrown outside the bus. Keep it in your bag and throw in the dustbin after reaching your destination.
  12. The bus facility will be cancelled for those students who refuse to adhere to the bus rules or disobey the instructions given by school authorities from time to time.
  13. Bus facility will also be cancelled for those who damage bus fittings or indulge in indiscipline / misbehavior / vandalism in the bus.
  14. In case of misbehavior or indiscipline in the bus, the Bus teacher, Bus Monitor(s) or Driver is authorized to take immediate necessary steps & report the matter to the Transport Manager/Incharge or the Principal for further action. If necessary, such student(s) will be taken off the bus facility immediately.
  15. Bus Pass should be carried every day & shown to the Bus Teacher / Conductor while boarding the bus.

Important Information For Parents

Please motivate your child to come to school regularly and on time. He/ she must enter school gate by 7.45am positively. School gates will be closed at 8.00am.Students who come after 8.00am will be sent back home. Regular late comers will find a note about late coming in their final report sheet/ Character Certificate/TC.

Do not send unwell children and children suffering from any kind of fever and flu especially with chickenpox to school during U.T/F.A/S.A. The test will be rescheduled for these students. Submit a leave application along with a copy of doctor's advice/ prescription to the school office.

It is mandatory for parents to attend all the PTMs. Parents are requested to meet ALL teachers teaching their child. Send a note to teacher, in case you are unable to attend. Result will be handed over only to parents and not to any relatives.

Kindly switch off your mobile phones in school premises.

Change in contact no. & address should be intimated to the class teacher in writing. Check your child's school diary daily. Do sign the remarks if any and take necessary actions.

Comments made by parents in the diary should be productive and confined strictly to the subject of the student's work and his/her conduct.

Parents are welcome to e-mail the school at mail@shivvani.in

Code of Conduct for Parents in School Premises

  1. Please maintain an appropriate dress code at all times while visiting school. Also avoid coming to school in night suits/pyjamas, with shirts not properly buttoned up, or in bathroom slippers.
  2. Please do not chew tobacco/gutka/pan masala or be in an inebriated state while you are in the school campus.
  3. Mobile Phones are to be switched off in the school premises. Do not talk to teachers while talking on a mobile phone.
  4. Do not be loud or use inappropriate language while talking to the staff. We expect parents to be cordial and polite with the staff of the school in all situations.
  5. Never criticize the teacher before the child. Whether or not you agree with the teacher, don’t speak negatively about her in the child’s hearing. It will undermine her authority and influence over the child.
  6. Don’t let the child speak disrespectfully about the teacher. Your child may have a problem with the teacher but he should not be allowed to speak rudely or disrespectfully about them. Discussing a shortcoming is different from abusing or talking foully about it.
  7. Don’t judge the teacher based on the child’s opinion. A teacher guides the child with both strictness and praise. The child can sometimes misinterpret this firmness. So don’t form your opinion based on the child’s complaint.
  8. Keep in touch with the teacher. Communicate with her through PTMs and regular meetings, give your feedback and take her opinion about the child.